Medical Malpractice


Medical Malpractice

When you visit a doctor or the emergency room, you expect to leave the office or hospital in better condition than when you went in. Doctors and other medical professionals are held to a high standard of care – because of their schooling and experience; the public expects that high standard of care. However, medical professionals do make mistakes. When the mistake is because the medical professional was negligent, it could cause extra expenses, pain, and suffering.

As with other injury cases, you should contact a San Bernardino medical malpractice attorney as soon as you realize you suffered injuries due to a medical professional’s negligence so that we can start an investigation immediately. You also have a short time to take legal action once you discover you suffered injuries due to a medical professional’s negligence.

You can recover damages in the form of compensation for damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and loss of quality of life if a medical professional was negligent in his or her care of you. Medical malpractice cases are complex cases, especially if the doctor’s negligence causes long-term or permanent disabilities. You don’t have to fight this fight by yourself. Contact a medical malpractice attorney at Bracy Hawkins Law in San Bernardino, CA, for a free case evaluation if you suffered injuries or lost a loved one because of medical malpractice.

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