Jendayi Saada grew up in Detroit, MI, and earned her BA’s in Africana Studies and Political Science, and her Juris Doctor at Wayne State University. She is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and a former elected official and activist in the Art Center Citizen’s District of Detroit. After practicing as a solo practitioner and in-house counsel for four years in Detroit, Jendayi moved to Miami, FL in 2004, where she began her career in legal education. She has served on two ABA Site Evaluation teams spearheading the design and implementation of highly successful academic support and bar preparation programs at four law schools across the nation, leaving an indelible mark on each institution. The results spoke volumes, as bar passage rates soared to unprecedented heights under her visionary guidance.
Acknowledged for her extraordinary achievements, Jendayi was twice honored with the esteemed title of "Administrator of the Year" at FAMU COL, and she earned the coveted recognition as "Professor of the Year" at La Verne COL. Her exceptional impact on the legal education landscape was further affirmed when she was named one of the "50 Most Influential People in Legal Education" in a distinguished poll conducted by National Jurist Magazine, earning the admiration and respect of law school deans nationwide.
In her previous role as the Associate Dean of Student and Faculty Development, Jendayi led the Center for Academic and Bar Readiness at the University of La Verne College of Law. She pioneered groundbreaking initiatives while also leaving an indelible impact in the classroom, imparted her wisdom through instructing courses such as Real Property Law, Introduction to Strategic Legal Methods, CA Performance Test, Multistate Bar Strategies, and the Comprehensive Legal Education Capstone course, and co-taught Contracts-DVS. Additionally, Jendayi served as a trusted advisor to La Verne's Black Law Students Association chapter, ensuring that aspiring diverse legal professionals receive the support they need to flourish.
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